IAAP Buenos Aires 2022 | XXII International Congress for Analytical Psychology
August 28 to September 2
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Registration(INFO & FORM)

Big Breakout Sessions

Healing the Wounds of Collective Trauma: Implicit Memories and the Recovery of Lost Parts of the Self Through Embodied Active Imagination in the Clinical Work

Karin Fleischer (SUAPA)

This presentation aims to account for the possibility the body offers as a via regia to aspects of the self that were split off because of a collective trauma lived at an early age. Referencing clinical material, the author describes how the process of translation and integration - from the sensory-perceptual to the conceptual-symbolic - can be halted on account of trauma, leaving this initial and preverbal narrative interrupted. Moreover, it is shown how the potential of the archetype or image schema, linked to the somatic-affective early experiences encoded as implicit memories, can be recovered, when Embodied Active Imagination is included in the analytic work.

Karin Fleischer (SUAPA), Argentina, is a Jungian analyst, training analyst, supervisor, and founder member of the Uruguayan-Argentinian Society for Analytical Psychology (SUAPA) and is on the executive board (2018-2021) of CLAPA – Latin American Committee for Analytical Psychology. Licensed psychologist (UBA) and Master of Science in Dance Movement Therapy (California State University, East Bay, USA). University professor of graduate and post-graduate courses in Analytical Psychology (I-Salud, UNR, UNC). She has introduced Authentic Movement/ Embodied Active Imagination, in Argentina and in several Latin American countries, teaching seminars on the Body and Active Imagination, nationally and internationally, during the past twenty-five years. Her article “The Symbol in the Body” has been published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology, June 2020.