August 28 to September 2   |   Buenos Aires - Argentina


7:30 - 8:30
7:30 - 8:30
Social Dreaming Matrix. Dominique Lepori (CGJIZ) & Jens Preil (DGAP)
7:30 - 8:30
Embodied Archetypal Meditations: Mindfulness, loving kindness and Self Compassion. Paulo Bloise (SBrPA)
8:45 - 9:15
Room LIbertador
Welcome Address
9:15 - 10:15
Room Libertador
Alma, Mito y Cosmovisión en un mundo cambiante. Esenciales de la Psicología Analítica y del Camino Descendente. (Español). Soul, Myth and Cosmovision in a Changing World. Essentials of Analytical Psychology and the Descendent Path. (English) Margarita Ovalle (Chile)
Moderator: Ana Deligiannis (SUAPA)
10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:00
Room LIbertador
Devouring and Asphyxia: Symptoms of a Cultural Complex in Present Times. Liliana Wahba (SBrPA) & Walter Boechat (AJB - AGAP)
Moderator: Patricia Berry (IRSJA)
13:30 - 15:00

ROOM LIBERTADOR A Ethics Committee
Ethical Considerations in an Age of Telecommunications. Mark Winborn (IRSJA) & Andrea Cone-Farran (ANZSJA)
Moderator: Tom Kelly (APJQ)

ROOM LIBERTADOR B Dream in times of Corona. Tamar Kron (IIJP) & Or Hareven (Israel)
Moderator: William Kotsch (NMSJA)

Room Libertador C The significance of the immigration archetype for the individuation. Carolina Rosales-Wyman & Lynn Alicia Franco (CGJISF)
Moderator: Steven Zemmelman (CGJISF)

Room Retiro A Emociones, una lista. Perspectivas contemporáneas sobre las emociones en un mundo cambiante. Pablo Raydan, Magaly Villalobos & Mireya Vargas (SVAJ)
Moderator: Fabián Flaiszman (SUAPA)

Room Retiro B Neuroscience of Jung- Depth Psychology of Neuroscience. Beverley Zabriskie (JPA)
Moderator: Robert Tyminski (CGJISF)

Room Retiro C Support for Ukraine. Reports by representatives from the many psychological and financial help programs.
Moderator: Misser Berg (DSAP)

Room Rio de la Plata Entre el Apego y la Piel Psíquica: El Surgimiento de la Intersubjetividad en la Observación de Bebés y el Análisis Junguiano. Brian Feldman (CGJISF)

La gran madre herida y la angustia de nuestro tiempo. María Susana Toloza (SCPA)

Moderator: Vivana Szmirewicz (SUAPA)

Room Martin Fierro A Analysis during times of political and social upheaval. Margaret Klenck (JPA)

Promoting emotional relatedness between Israelis and Palestinians, based on Archetypal psychology and human rights work. Tristan Troudart (IIJP)

Moderator: Patricia Llosa (JAP)

Room Martin Fierro B Yo se hacer el pan: Individuación y emancipación del trabajador. Angelita Menezes (AJB)

The Inner River: Social events and individual transformation. Mario Gulli (CIPA)

Moderator: Rosario Puglisi (CIPA)

Room Ombu A Fortifications in culture unconscious as a double-edged sword of culture identity. Hao-Wei Wang (TSAP)

Punishment: Restraint and Protection. A meditation on Jung's synchronicity. Hongxia Fan (CSAP)

Moderator: Nancy Furlotti (CGJIC)

Room Ombu B Sustainable psychological engagement with a changing world - From a comparative study of Hélène Smith or a case of personality disorder and Friederike Hauffe or a case of schizophrenia. Tsuyoshi Inomata (AJAJ)

Intervención desde la psicología analítica en trastorno límite de personalidad. Hospitalización en unidad de agudos. Pedro Yscadar Rojas (GCJB)

Moderator: Cristina Gonzalez Casal (SUAPA)

15:30 - 17:00

Room Libertador B Death Cafes. Ann Casement (BJAA)
Moderator: Andrea Cone-Farran (ANSZCJA)

Room Libertador C A dark side of being analyst. Maria Teresa Aydemir (IM), Maria Barbara Łokaj (AJAP) & Anahit Khananyan (IM)
Moderator: Bartosz Samitowski (AJAP)

Room Retiro A Interpretation with patients with disruptions in symbolic capacity. Mark Winborn (IRSJA)

Moderator: Laura Tuley (IRSJA)

Room Retiro B The curse of the Oscar or the shadow side of women's development. Denise Gimenez Ramos (SBrPA)

Moderator: Lara Lagutina (SAP)

Room Retiro C “Processing trauma in psychoanalysis in “real” time and in dreams: The convergence of past, present, and future during Covid 19”. Deborah Bryon (IRSJA)
Moderator: Melissa Werner (CGJIZ)

Room Rio de la Plata Education Committee Meeting with Routers, DG Presidents, Liaison Persons and Regional Organizers
Chair: Misser Berg (DSAP)

Room Martin Fierro A Violencia doméstica contra la mujer: Síntomas que anuncian la cura. Marilene Rodrigues Fernandes (SCPA)

How relevant is Jung in today’s world when there is a huge need to address gender violence? Noelia Vazquez (SOMEJ)

Moderator: David Gerbi (IIJP)

Room Martin Fierro B Flooded by the collective. Dreams in the time of pandemic. Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski (IM), Agata Giza-Zwierzchowska (PTPJ), Katarzyna Kwaśny-Czehak (PTPJ), Monika Srebro (PTPJ) & Marta Szczukiewicz (PTPJ)

The Pandemic 2020 – A wake-up call. Jill Fischer (CGJUNGNE)

Moderator: Margo Leahy (CGJISF)

Room Ombu A Deepening Diversity—Transforming Our Institutional, Cultural and Political Selves: An Exploration of Racialized and Gendered Phantom Narratives. Samuel Kimbles (CGJISF) & Shoshana Fershtman (CGJISF)
Moderator: Lynn Alicia Franco (CGJISF)

Room Ombu B Investigating the objective psyche by means of numinous or anomalous experiences. Lionel Corbett (CSJA) & Anahy Fonseca (AJB)
Moderator: Yoram Inspector (NIJA)

Room Libertador A POSTER SESSION

  • A qualitative research on the post-traumatic growth of female college students after the COVID-19 epidemic. Cai Meng (CSAP)
  • Enlightenment of the myth of Chang E flying to the Moon to the feminine development and individualization of contemporary Chinese Women. Xiang Jinjing (CSAP)
  • Tree Roots, Leaves and Trunks as Thresholds of Transformation in the Archetypal Explorations of Taiwanese Indigenous Trees. Hsueh-Chun Chen (TSAP)
  • Ceremonial Cacao and Active Imagination: Outlines of a Postcolonial Practice. Nikolaj Knub (DSAP)

Moderator: Nikolaj Knub (DSAP)

17:15 - 18:45

Room Libertador A Choice and change: The spirit of the depths and the knowledge of the heart. Martin Schmidt (SAP) & Heyong Shen (CSAP)
Moderator: Moshe Alon (NIJA)

Room Libertador B Intervision Group for Supervisors in Analytical Psychology. Vicente Luis De Moura & Evy Tausky (CGJIZ)
Moderator: Donald Grasing (JPA)

Room Libertador C Diversity Working Party I
Personal expressions of diversity
Chair: Alvaro Ancona (SBrPA)

Room Retiro A Stay on my own in the situation of staying home. Masukura Michiko (AJAJ)

Morire nel presente, ammalati di futuro. Valentino Franchitti (AIPA)

Moderator: Stefano Benegiamo (AIPA)

Room Retiro B La Individuación y el Envejecimiento; La Enfermedad De Alzheimer - Una Patología Del Malestar De La Civilización Contemporánea. Anita Mussi (AJB)

The epigenetic consequences of trauma and the mind processes: A symbolic perspective. Regina Biscaro (SBrPA)

Moderator: Ana María Cordeiro (SBrPA)

Room Retiro C “Russian Ukraine war”. Jungian reflections. Carola Mathers (AJA)
Moderators: Susan Schwartz (NMSJA) & Batya Brosh Palmoni (IIJP)

Room Rio de la Plata Vila de Teotônio', la desaparición de una comunidad ribereña en la Amazonía brasileña. Paulo Ferreira (SBrPA)

Ancient genesis of contemporary global politics of colonization, racism, division and xenophobia. Sam Naifeh (CGJISF)

Moderator: Walter Boechat (AJB)

Room Martin Fierro A The authoritarian pandemic in contemporary global politics: Trump, Modi and the Joker archetype. Johann Graaff (SAAJA)

Political corruption as a corruption of the soul. Hugo Iglesias Torres de Moraes (Brazil)

Moderator: Selma Mantovani (SBrPA)

Room Martin Fierro B Death: A threshold to transformation or to the end to all potential? Peter Demuth (CSJA)

Death and Rebirth: A child's symbolic journey in the sand after her mother's death. Melissa Werner (CGJIZ)

Moderator: Spyros Karvounis (IGAP)

Room Ombu A In search of meaning in the concept of anima in Brazilian literature. Claudia Morelli Gadotti (SBrPA)

Analyzing body's symbolic matter. Orit Sônia Waisman (IIJP)

Moderator: Emilio Bolla (CIPA)

Room Ombu B Opening our Ears to a World in Transition: The music of analysis. Joel Kroeker (WCAJA)

Significance of archetypal sounds: exploring mystical practices of UttarakhandHimalayas. Vineet Gairola (India)

Moderator: François Martin-Vallas (SFPA)

19:30 - 21:00
“The woman who was everything”: A performed reading of the correspondence of Victoria Ocampo, Hermann Keyserling and C.G. Jung. Craig Stephenson (JPA)