August 28 to September 2   |   Buenos Aires - Argentina

Lectures - Other

Social Dreaming Matrix

Dominique Lepori (CGJIZ) & Jens Preil (DGAP)

Here we can share dreams. We let dreams speak with dreams: breeding, growing and developing new thoughts and new thinking through associations. It is not about what the dreams mean individually or for our group, we are trying to make the unconscious available in the here and now of social matrix of this conference.

Dominique Lepori, MA in Economics, MSc in Psychology, Training Analyst and Supervisor (Jung Institute/IAAP), Sandplay Therapist and Teaching Member (SGSST/ISST), Group Analyst (SGAZ/GAS) decennial experience as a chartered financial analyst. Since around two decades private practice in Zurich as a psychotherapist for adults, children / adolescents, lecturing / training for home institutes and router programs.

Jens Preil, PhD MD. Senior executive in the pharmaceutical industry, certified psychoanalyst (DGPT, DGAP, IAAP) and group analyst (SGAZ). Organizational consultant, coach, and supervisor. IAAP liaison for the Wuhan Developing Group, China. Chief editor of Analytical Psychology. Journal for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Berlin, Germany.